Thursday, September 27, 2012

Shopping spree

My oldest sister found out about 6 months ago that she also has Parkinson's disease.  She is in the early stages of this disease.  On occasions she will call me to talk about her shopping sprees, which I can't help but laugh as she's telling me to stop.  The meds we both take cause an addiction to shopping.  However, she told me this time that I should not be laughing and should be telling her to stop.  I let her know that is not possible.  When I was at the top of my game with that shopping addiction, my 5 sisters were all telling me I needed to stop.  I laugh because I sure can relate.

Physical Therapy

I have been going to Physical Therapy for over a week now.  I have been getting my ankle back in shape.  Plus, a lot of core and balance exercises.  I am doing very well.  I'm amazed at how bad I really was doing.  These exercises are going to whip me back in shape and I just might feel like a teenager

If your not walking just right or your balance is keeping you from moving too fast, ask your doctor if Physical Therapy is for you. 

A  little exercise can go a long way.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Who do you see in that reflection?

This morning, I wrote a blog entitled "Who is looking back at me?"   I believe it is my best blog ever.  Check it out at

Therefore, I am entitling this blog as "Who do you see in the mirror?"

Have you really looked in the mirror since you were diagnosed with Parkinson's diease?  I did this morning.  I realized I see the same person as I did before I was diagnosed with such a chronic progressive disease.  I might not be able to move very fast in the mornings now, therefore, I just get up earlier and take some meds and when they kick in then I get moving to the same old beat as I did before until it's almost time for that next set of meds.

I still look the same, brown hair or maybe strawberry blonde, depending on what color dye is on it.   I have beautiful hazel eyes that go great with that wonderful smile of mine.  My eyelids might not blink as much as they did before, however, I just look at it as if my eyes want to take in more beauty that surrounds me on this earth.

Catch me at the right moment and you might see me twitch, jerk or stumble.  That's when I will share a laugh with you so you don't feel uncomfortable while this takes place.

I'm still the loving and a caring person that I was before this crazy disease.  I still try to help those around me with stories of my own to motivate others.  I show others with this disease how much I care about them and teach them as much as I can so they can feel as good about theirselves as they possibly can.

Now look back in that mirror again.  Who do you see deep down inside?

Monday, September 24, 2012


Today, is the day that we sit in a quiet room.  Not even a clock ticking in the background.  Think of your favorite vacation, day or person and focus in on what happened that day or why that person is your favorite.  Think of the smells around you.  When was the last time you went to this place, or repeted what happened that day or seen that person.  How is this making you feel?  I know I have a smile on my face.  I remember that vacation as if it was yesterday, and I can't remember anything. 

I remember the talks with my husband on the beach at night.  Watching my kids sit and talk together.  It was just the four of us basking in the sun and water.  Drifting far out in the ocean on my raft and then wondering how fast I could get back to shore, just in case I spotted a shark.  The movies we all laughed at in the evenings before bedtime.  The smells of the sand, fell of the sun, the sounds of the waves and birds. 

This feels so good.  Even if I can't physically go there at least I can still in my mind.  What a wonderful vacation even if it was only 15 minutes in my mind.  I plan to go there another day this week.


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Oh Magic Pill

Oh Magic Pill
Oh Magic Pill
Please work your miracle on me
Help me to think, walk, and talk just for a while
Oh Magic Pill
Oh Magic Pill
You are my very best friend
You help me when my feet want to shuffle
And make me take those big steps
Oh Magic Pill
Oh Magic Pill
You take away that slur so people don’t laugh at me
To be able to communicate would just be grand
Oh Magic Pill
Oh Magic Pill
You’re always there to help me to stand upright
Too many falls may cause me to bruise or break
Oh Magic Pill
Oh Magic Pill
Please help me to move and act right, so my family doesn’t worry
For just an hour or two, let them think I’m normal again
Oh Magic Pill
Oh Magic Pill
You are my very best friend!


Exercise; Have you heard this word recently? I know I have heard it over a dozen times this year. I’m beginning to think exercise helps you with everything. I’ve tried it several times and have failed each time. I’m not making the grade to pass. Thank goodness, I didn’t do that in math and English.
I do realize; however, that I do need to exercise. It would make me feel so much better, however, I don’t know where to start. I usually try something and it only lasts about 2-4 weeks. I’ve tried it at home and the gym. Oh, yes; I’m paying for a membership that I don’t use.
I’ve tried walking, indoors, outdoors and even on a treadmill, and I can say I just really don’t care too much for it. Yoga is too slow and not quite for me. Jazzercise is just too darn fast that I can’t keep up. Water exercise; well let’s just say that isn’t for me either. I think I will google the words ”Exercise Alternatives”. Maybe there is some alternative to exercising. Wow! I’m not the only one that has this problem. There are all kinds of suggestions. 100 fun exercises to add to your gym membership….Dance…tried it! Don’t forget those old exercise video’s that are collecting dust. Now you can get them on-line and down load to your iPod. You’re kidding me? Kettle bells, medicine balls and even sand bags; I think I need to go back to school to learn all this. Not! That would be too much brain exercise.
There are some alternatives to exercise that make me think. You can count house cleaning as exercise. Not me; hate it! Coaching is considered exercise. I think that is because it gets your heart rate going. I did that for over 15 years; burn out! Move on; what else.
Here are some good ones: Home gym. Keep a set of dumbbells in a kitchen cabinet or food pantry, and do a few bicep curls and shoulder presses while dinner is cooking. Use a stability ball as a desk chair to work your abs while you’re paying bills. Keep a yoga mat under your bed, and pull it out for some downward dogs in the morning or before going to bed at night. I’d probably cook the dumbbells; I’d forget to pay the bills and I do the downward dog already every day. It helps me move in the morning. Wow! Score one for me.
Date nights in sneakers. If your date nights typically involve a dinner and a movie, ask your partner to join you on a long walk, or go bowling or dancing. I can see me ask Tony to go walking, etc.
Get a dog. A Canadian study showed that dog owners spend about 300 minutes or five hours a week doing Fido-related physical activities. By taking pooch out to do his business, playing tug of war, and going to the dog park, you will burn lots of calories. I have two dogs and their lazy ones that lay around all day under my feet. Plus, I live in the country and just let them out the door.
There are a few more listed, but my fingers are getting tired from all this typing. Finger Exercise! Score! I have gotten a lot of exercise writing this blog. I’ve seen the word “exercise” over 100 times; I’ve gotten out of my seat at least 5 times to stretch and my brain is tired from all this writing. Wow! I did about 45 minutes of exercise. I’m tired and need to go rest.

Stuff, things or treasures

I have stuff; I have things and I have lots of treasures. Today, I walked slowly through my house and garden to see how much stuff I had collected over the past 12 months. I started out taking pictures of the wonderful treasures I had either received from friends or purchased at a yard sale or peddler mall. Then I said to myself “STOP”. I said it out loud again “STOP”. If I had a roll of film to change, it would have been changed several times. I had small stuff, like a figurine that I used to add to a floral arrangement. A small organizer with several drawers in it for different nails and screws has come in very useful. I had medium items like some larger flower pots to put out in the garden. A couple of medium size shelves to put paint and fabric on have helped organize the basement. The larger items include book shelves, chairs and tables. To most people, that probably sounds like a lot of things and stuff, but to me they are treasures. I purchased a gaming table in hopes that one day my son will challenge me in a game of checkers. I might even let him win. I purchased a couple of shelves that display, not only our favorite books, but some old pictures and memorabilia items. I have several beautiful bird houses that either the birds or I get to enjoy.  Some parkinson medication side effects is addiction to ether sex, shopping or gambling. I can say that my addiction to shopping is helping me gain more treasures. What about you; do you have stuff, things or treasures?

Saturday, September 15, 2012

My Life with Parkinson's disease: Medication, Medication, Medication

My Life with Parkinson's disease: Medication, Medication, Medication: Why is it so hard to remember to take your medication when you know it is going to make you feel better? I am constantly forgetting to tak...

Medication, Medication, Medication

Why is it so hard to remember to take your medication when you know it is going to make you feel better?

I am constantly forgetting to take my meds.  When I forget to take some, it is hard for me to WHY do I forget? 

My mother-in-law is contantly reminding me when she is here.  I have tried setting my phone alarm, but I hit the button when it rings and then I forget if I don't move fast.  How crazy is that?

I have to take the same amount at the same time every day, so you would think by now I would be in the habit of doing it.  NOT!

Oh well, maybe tomorrow I'll do it better.